Sen. Steve Urquhart, R-St. George, held a “bloggers only” press conference Tuesday to introduce a bill that would eliminate all requirements for public notice in newspapers from Utah law.
Urquhart says he will run SB208, currently an empty box-car bill, that will change all references in Utah law to only require legal notices on the state’s Web site rather newspapers.
Key statements from Urquhart at his press conference:
Newspapers don’t reach the citizens.
Citizens could use the Web site for a reasonable fee.
He said he wants to lower the cost of public notices and increase the visibility.
Newspapers would have to compete with the state for public notices.
Urquhart sees public notices still appearing in smaller newspapers, but government would have a choice.
The bill would go into effect in July 2010.
The bill would create a central repository of legal notices.
Citizens are being charged too much for public notices
"We want to create better notice and a bigger pool of people who know what is
going on,”
This could be a cheaper alternative for posting foreclosure notices.
Newspapers are asking to increase how much they charge for legal notices, so consumerbill s shouldn’t be forced to take out legal notices in the newspaper
Listen to the entire press conference
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Thanks for the post, I was sorry to see you deleted your comments from my blog, I thought you had some good points.